Education tips: Learning Designer and Facilitator

20 October, 2011 - 21:06

Are you passionate about learning, change, organizations and people?
The ability to learn is a key factor in success and provides a competitive edge for companies and organizations in a world that has runaway development. If companies or organizations should cope with the continuous development of employees and managers, a learning organization is needed. As well as a knowledge of the useage of new digital media and insights into how digital developments constantly affect business, organizations and processes. For this, a competence profile that corresponds to the development is needed - Learning Designer and Facilitator.

A Learning Designer and Facilitator works primarily to pedagogically design, organize and run learning processes and opportunities for learning with a focus on business and skills development in businesses and organizations.

The program will start on 5 December in Karlskrona and is 40 weeks long. The last 14 weeks consist of an internship, somwhere in the world. To apply for the program, you should have at least one year of work experience.

Hyper Island is a vocational college, specializing in creative, interactive communication and leadership. At Hyper Island there are no teachers, homework or tests. The work consists of experiential learning. This year, there are students from more than 30 different countries, so the working language is English.

Place of education: Hyper Island in Karlskrona
Length of education: 40 weeks starting on 5/12-2011.
Read more and apply to the program here.
Applications are accepted continuously.