Monthly themes

19 December, 2016 - 12:43

Themes of 2017!

The digital developing tendencies in 2016 seems to escalate and its consequences continue to deepen in 2017. We’ve seen AR’s (augumented reality) impact-potential with the enormous success of Pokémon Go and an increasingly amount of companies adapting VR (virtual reality) for multiple purposes. The physical and the digital continues to merge which inevitably implies a demand for further collaborations between digital developers and traditional industries. How to capitalize from big-data is also in the scope of 2017. In other words, lots of things are in motion.

Events in January
Världens Bästa Morgon - 20/1
Salong #5 - 27/1

Technology is incredible. It provides unprecedented opportunities which makes business more efficient and our personal lives more connected. Still, pitfalls are not rare while adjusting to our new digital permeated environment. With the seemingly ceaseless development of new technologies and means to communicate, we'll probably never find ourselves on the safe side.

Events in Februrary
Digital @ Mindpark - 2/2
Världens Bästa Morgon - 3/2
Salong #6 - 10/2
Världens Bästa Morgon - 17/2

The appearance and functionality of companies and organizations is one of the most extensive impliactions that digitalization has implied for business. A top down, distinct hierarchal govern is more or less dead while deciding on the structure of modern organizations. Instead, flat and more dynamic organizations is on the rise. There’s several reasons for this, with an increased level of transparency probably constitutes the most influential. In most respects, this is a good thing. But when there’s a need for new takes on management and leadership, there’s also new challenges.

Events in March
Världens Bästa Morgon - 10/3
Salong #7 - 17/3
Världens Bästa Morgon - 24/3
SXSW - 9-15/3

We need to stop talking about the real world versus the digital. If we look at our lives and how we interact with our everyday lives and struggles, the mix between the two makes up for a new environment. The transition from a traditional physical world to something much more complex maintained by huge amounts of data, algorithms and screens is not happening, it’s already happened. What does this really mean? What is the social, cultural and economic consequences?

Events in April
Världens Bästa Morgon - 7/4
Salong #8 - 21/4
Världens Bästa Morgon - 28/4

​Besides higher and more fancy looking, the fundamentals of how we plan and build our cities has more or less remained the same. But when our world is changing rapidly on all levels, isn’t there a need to make our material world smarter and more efficient? It should be clear by now that things need to happen in this area if we wish to make progress and simultaneously preserve our world the same as we found it. There's already a long list of intiatives that cross the digital with architecture. But this fascinating area has just left the womb.

Events in May
Världens Bästa Morgon - 12/5
Salong #9 - 19/5
040x040 - 11-12/5