September´s theme: CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR

1 September, 2014 - 08:00 - 30 September, 2014 - 18:00

There is a change in how consumers buy things, both in stores and online. Trading begins more and more to realize that customers expect interactive experiences while they are in the store. Consumers are becoming more mobile, and it's no surprise that the number of apps continues to grow and become even more popular in 2014.

Applications show were both the consumer interest and the new business opportunities are available. The digital society has made the consumer a power factor. Just in minutes, consumers can obtain wide distribution of their opinions on a given product - with likes or dislikes. Consumers are listening to each other and the opinions and reviews in social media are important. All brands need to work even harder in 2014 to earn consumers' loyalty.

Transparency, speed and sincere apologies builds trust. With our monthly theme "Consumer behaviors" we allow our members to view and share consumer insights, trend analysis and new digital business opportunities. Please let us know what you want to contribute.