Toastmasters at Foo Café

2 May, 2016 - 18:00 - 20:00

What is Toastmasters?

Toastmasters is an international organization with over 250,000 members worldwide consisting of almost 13,000 clubs in 106 countries. Since 2010, Malmö has had a Toastmasters club of its own, with meetings in English.

Why Toastmasters?
If you are in a position where you need to communicate, and who of us isn’t, Toastmasters can help. The self paced program, the members, and the global organization provide all the support you need to achieve whatever goal it is you have at a fraction of the cost of a normal one day communications course. From engineers to entertainers, government workers to entrepreneurs, Toastmasters members represent a wide range of people
who are committed to working towards a common goal in a supportive, professional atmosphere. Plus, we are a lot of fun!

What: Toastmasters
When: 2nd May, 17.30-20.00
Where: Utbildningsrummet
Sign up here.
Questions? Reach us here: carina [at] foocafe [dot] org
