Theme - Digital behavior

5 September, 2013 - 11:43

Digitization of society is now and we see a huge potential, both for our members and for society in general.

At Media Evolution we want to strengthen our members' competitiveness, growth and innovation in digital capacity, digital development & digital usage. With this we want to create new markets for our members

September's happenings on this theme:

LUNCH SCREENING 5/9 - the digital revolution has created new opportunities to distribute and show films, come and see for yourself!

MEMBERS MEETING 6/9 - we welcome our new members and let them tell us what they are really great at.

LUNCH SEMINAR 11/9 - on strategies for new digital behaviors with Valtech at Foo Café.

MEMBERS BREAKFAST 13/9 - come and grab keys of success to get ahead in business.

MEET ROBOTS 18/9 - take part in the world's first documentary project filmed by robots!

NEW OPPORTUNITIES 20/9 - Transmedia Meet-Up on new opportunities at digital platforms.

MEMBERS BREAKFAST 25/9 - reflect on ”The art” in our programs, languages, tools and platforms with Øredev.