Books & eBucks - money, passion and change.

28 March, 2013 - 12:44

Media Evolutions ninth publication is here! eBooks & eBucks - money, passion and change - innovating a market in flux

Yes, it's about the book industry and the publishing industry is changing at a furious pace when literature is digitized, more and more of its sales online and through apps. With the internet and new technology, we have more opportunity to publish books faster and cheaper. We chose to test this fact and made an actual book at 89 pages this time. It took just over three weeks. It is available as an e-book and physical book and we can print more through print on demand of a button in an interface.

The book was produced in collaboration with Publit and Conference If Book Then Stockholm which took place on March 21, 2013. There we had also surreptitiously release, both e-book and printed. The aim was to showcase the innovative ideas of you - Media Evolution members - directly linked to the conference track "Reaching the reader." A comprehensive coverage of IBT conference, you can read about here

Contents of the book
eBooks & eBucks contains texts from some of our members, including Anders Mildner and Gleerups. The text is interspersed with interviews with Swedish and international thought leaders who work passionately with new models of digital publishing, marketing and e-commerce of books.

The ideas in this book are of course also applicable in other sectors. Small operator encounter large, public meeting traders, producers find new ways to listen to and talk with their clients and so the need to collect data and analyze it.

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