Our latest publication: Do it together - Tools for Collaboration!

30 August, 2013 - 16:41

The Media Evolution publication #10 is out!
Do It Together — Tools for Collaboration

Collaboration is a way of working around the gap between knowledge and business, what we know and how we do it. It’s a method that people have practiced in a variety of contexts, enabling us to work in new and different ways, generating innovative outputs. The more practice you get, the better you get: having practiced, observed and discussed the various angles of this phenomena over the previous nine Media Evolution publications, we mark the tenth with a snapshot of what it means right now, why its heading that way, how it is already affecting everything we do, who’s doing it, how we do it and why we should all do it more often.

The publication has been co-edited by William Davis, Emma Estborn and Christin Persson

Participatory Space Exploration — a conversation with Ariel Waldman
Organization from a Birds Eye View — Henrik Challis
Unconventional — in conversation with Ruth Daniel
The Collaborative Turn — Bo Reimer, Jonas Löwgren discuss their forthcoming book
The New Ways of Working It — Emma Estborn

Read it here!

Download it as a pdf!
