App app app app app - what to consider when creating an app

8 June, 2011 - 09:40

Download as PDF if you want to read later on the computer, the telephone or e-reader. Also in Swedish.

Apps are the new website. Everybody wants one. We get tons of questions about how it works to create an app, what has to be considered, and where you can go to get your app made.

In this publication, we turn app questions into app answers. Programmer Anders Mårtensson explains the process of creating an app in four steps. Tomas de Souza writes about the all-important look before you leap and pre-app market analysis. Aaron Watkins explains how to use marketing to cut through the clutter once your app is ready.

The term app covers a wide area and may be used for programs installed on everything from PCs to tablets and social networks. We have chosen to concentrate on apps for mobile phones.
