Build on others work - about creating services an media from existing work

12 October, 2011 - 11:52

A publication about building media services and content on work that has already been done.

Download as PDF if you want to read later on the computer, the telephone or e-reader. Also available in Swedish.

The spirit in Malmö, where we have our base, is open and generous. Companies in the media industries share contacts and ideas, look for unholy alliances and view collaboration as a path to faster growth.

The same trend is found in the media landscape in general. Use of open APIs and Creative Commons is constantly growing, which means that new services can be created more rapidly and less expensively.

To take a closer look at this trend, we asked contributors such as Kristina Alexanderson (Creative Commons Sweden) to write about where to find CC-licensed media and Johan Brissmyr (Popdevelop) to talk about how they build services on open APIs. In addition, Catherine Mulligan (University of Nottingham) writes about why it’s a good idea to share data even from a financial standpoint.

More than we can create - Martin Thörnkvist
APIs as marketing channel - Andreas Krohn
Here’s where you’ll find the media to build on - Kristina Alexanderson
Let others do the work - Johan Brissmyr
Why foursquare has an API - Naveen Selvadurai
From autumn vacation to bestselling book cover - Pelle Sten
The impact of open APIs on Economy and Society - Catherine Mulligan
Open the door and innovation rolls in - Christer Månsson
Hoist the sail and harness the new force of nature - Joakim Jardenberg
