Bioinspired Forum 2012 - Augmented: How to make sense of the Sea

14 juni, 2012 - 12:00 - 15:00

Välkommen till en diskussion om hur vi kan fördjupa förståelsen för vad som händer i havet/Welcome to a discussion about how we can deepen our understanding of what is going on in the sea.

Plats/Place: Marint Centrum i Simrishamn
14 juni klockan 12.00 (Vi börjar med lunch. Diskussionen börjar klockan 13.00)/June 14 at 12.00 (We start with lunch. The discussion starts at 13.00)

Vårt mål är att starta en process som syftar till att ge oss nya verktyg att uppleva havet/Our aim is to start a process that will give us new tools to experience the sea.
Läs mer i bilaga/Read more in attached document.

Er aktiva medverkan är avgörande - se denna dag som ett konceptionellt knytkalas/Your active participation is essential - see this as a conceptional potluck day.

Anmälan sker till/RSVP to: augmented14 [at] bioinspiredforum [dot] com
Meddela om ni önskar lunch och/eller buffé./Please make a note if you would like lunch and/or buffet.

Talarlista/List of speakers:
Michaela Schmied – Augmented Reality – What is it?
Owner & Creative Director, Augmented Event, Sweden

Martin Snygg – Geopositioning – What’s next?
Head of Future Position X Lab, Gävle, Sweden

Dr. Silke Kröger – Biological Sensors – How does it work?
Senior Scientist at Cefas Lowestoft Laboratory, England
I see, you see, we see – the SEA
“A marine scientists view of the oceans and how sensors can improve our understanding”

The Leafsnap project –
Skype Interview

Erik Selander - How marine organisms hit it off.
Marine biologist at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Biological and Environmental Science

Jan Heuschele – About pheromones and test case : “How copepodes hit it off”.
Evolutionary Biologist, PostDoc DTU Aqua, Denmark

Olof Werngren – Test case “How copepodes hit it off” and producer of WIP-corner.
Founder Augmented Event and Media Producer, Sweden

(Obs vissa förändringar kan ske/The list is subject to change.)

Moderator: Patrick Baltatzis

Mats Broden – Bioinspired Forum and Marine Center.
Max Wang - Cacao Intelligence – coming event in collaboration with Asia.
Sara Ponnert – Liaison Officer, Media Evolution

Om ni har några frågor kontakta gärna/If you have any questions please contact me.
Mats Brodén
+46 (0)70 777 34 50
mats [at] bioinspiredforum [dot] com

Med stöd från/With support from:
Region Skåne - European Regional Development Fund