Rundsbordssamtal - 'Digital Culture Roundtable'

14 juni, 2013 - 11:15

Digitization of culture is one of the most exciting areas of development right now, with loads of possibilities for cultural and digital producers to create new collaborative solutions.

In connection to the development of a regional strategy for this, and us co-organizing a conference on opening up cultural heritage data, we decided to gather the people and organizations Media Evolution has been in contact with on digitization of culture. It turned out to be a good bunch of people, all working to make digital culture happen - at policy and operational level from the public, private and academic sector.

In a round table dialogue, we shared and developed knowledge and explored possibilities on what digital culture is, or could be, and how we can make it happen. The three questions explored were:

1. What is it we digitise and why? What kind content can or should be made available through digital platforms?
2. Who digitises culture and how? Does the combination of cultural content and digital formats demand new competences, structures and/or partnerships?
3. How can we digitise culture in southern Sweden? What needs to be done, at policy and operational level? What could the support structures or initiatives look like?

Do you want to know more? Click here.